Various considerations need to be noticed when you want to buy a digital camera. A quantity of these factors include the requirements, picture quality, robustness, and of course your budget.
Camera factory producing various kinds of digital cameras, from point and shoot compact cameras to digital single lens reflex (DSLR).
If you want to more seriously learning photography and want to get a good quality picture, the digital single lens reflex camera (DSLR) would be the right choice.
DSLR lens with higher specification can be exchanged so that you have the flexibility to choose the lens as needed.
To get the best quality, make sure the camera lens is made of glass, not plastic.
In the market there are also many types of lenses. High quality lens will produce sharp clear images with minimal distortion.
Although manufacturers often accentuate camera megapixel size, you better notice the size of the sensor that stores pixels or picture elements.
Larger sensors can store a lot more pixels to produce a good quality image.
The digital camera should also be comfortable. Make sure your fingers can reach all the buttons while taking pictures.